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01 Catholic Theology
Chair of Christian Social Ethics
02 Protestant Theology
Institute of Church History
Abteilung für Praktische Theologie
Institute of Study of Religion
03 Law
Chairs and professorships for civil law
Chairs and professorships for criminal law
04 Munich School of Management
07 Medicine
Adolf Butenandt Institute
Anatomic Institute
Institute for General Medicine
Institute for Immunology
Institute of Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology
Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry and Epidemiology
Institute of Medical Psychology
Institute of Neuropathology
Institute for Forensic Medicine
The Institute of Social Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Medical Center of the University of Munich
Eye Clinic and Polyclinic
Cardiac Surgery Clinic and Polyclinic
Institute of Human Genetics
Institute for Prophylaxis and Epidemiology of Circulatory Diseases (IPEK)
Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics (IPPG)
Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research (ISD)
Paediatric Surgery Clinic and Polyclinic in the Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital
Pediatric Clinic and Outpatient Clinic in the Dr. von Hauner Children‘s Hospital
Department of Pediatric Cardiology and Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine
Clinic for General, Visceral, Vascular and Transplant Surgery
Clinic for Anaesthesiology
Clinic and Polyclinic for Dermatology and Allergology
Clinic and Polyclinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics
Clinic and Polyclinic for Otorhinolaryngology and Otolaryngology
Clinic and Polyclinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy
Clinic and Polyclinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Clinic and Polyclinic for Nuclear Medicine
Clinic and Polyclinic for Palliative Medicine
Clinic and Polyclinic for Radiology
Clinic and Polyclinic for Radiotherapy and Radiooncology
Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
MUM - Musculoskeletal University Center Munich
Medical Clinic and Outpatient Clinic I (Cardiology)
Medical Clinic and Outpatient Clinic II (Gastroenterology, Hepatology)
Medical Clinic and Outpatient Clinic III (Oncology)
Medical Clinic and Outpatient Clinic IV (Endocrinology, nephrology, other sections)
Medical Clinic and Outpatient Clinic V (Pneumology)
Neurosurgical Clinic and Polyclinic
Neurological Clinic and Polyclinic with Friedrich Baur Institute
Polyclinic for Orthodontics
Polyclinic for Dental Preservation and Periodontology
Polyclinic for Dental Prosthetics
Urology Clinic and Polyclinic
Max von Pettenkofer-Institute
Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy)
Institute of Pathology
Institute of Physiology
Walther Straub Institute of Pharmacology and toxicology
08 Veterinary Medicine
Department of Veterinary Medicine
Institut für Infektionsmedizin und Zoonosen
Lehrstuhl für Bakteriologie und Mykologie
Lehrstuhl für Fischkrankheiten und Fischereibiologie
Lehrstuhl für Hygiene und Technologie der Milch
Lehrstuhl für Molekulare Tierzucht und Biotechnologie
Lehrstuhl für Palaeoanatomie und Geschichte der Tiermedizin
Lehrstuhl für Pharmakologie, Toxikologie und Pharmazie
Lehrstuhl für Physiologie
Lehrstuhl für Tierernährung und Diätetik
Lehrstuhl für Tierschutz, Verhaltenskunde, Tierhygiene und Tierhaltung
Centre for Clinical Veterinary Medicine
Institut für Tierpathologie
Klinik für Pferde
Klinik für Schweine
Klinik für Vögel, Reptilien, Amphibien und Zierfische
Klinik für Wiederkäuer mit Ambulanz und Bestandsbetreuung
Medizinische Kleintierklinik
09 History and Art History
Department of History
Ancient History
History Didactics
Medieval History
Neuere und Neueste Geschichte
Early Modern History
10 Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Science
Research Center for Neurophilosophy and Ethics of Neurosciences
Chair of Philosophy I
12 Psychology and Education Science
Department Psychology
Department Education and Rehabilitation
12 Cultural Studies
Department of Ancient and Modern Cultures
Assyriology and Hethitology
Byzantine Studies, History of Byzantine Art and Modern Greek Studies
Institute for European Ethnology and Cultural Analysis
Middle Eastern Archeology
13 Languages and Literatures
Department 1
German Studies
Literary Studies
Comparative Literature
Department 2
Computational Linguistics
Speech Science
Romance Philology
15 Social Sciences
Department of Sociology
Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science
16 Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
Computer Science
Chairs/Working Groups
Methods for missing Data, Model selection and Model averaging
17 Physics
18 Chemistry and Pharmacy
Department of Biochemistry
Department of Chemistry
Department of Pharmacy
19 Biology
Department Biology I
Department Biology II
20 Geosciences
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Crystallography and Materials Science
Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
Paleontology and Geobiology
Department of Geography
Physical Geography and Remote Sensing
Human-Environment Relations
Physical Geography and Land Use Systems
Economic Geography and Tourism Research