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Anzahl der Artikel: 14.

08 Tiermedizin

Kölle, Petra; Böswald, Linda F.; Brenner, Annita; Kienzle, Ellen (2022): Chemical composition of snakes. PLOS ONE, 17 (6): e0266850. ISSN 1932-6203

17 Physik

Steinert, Steffen; Ruf, Verena; Dzsotjan, David; Großmann, Nicolas; Schmidt, Albrecht; Kuhn, Jochen; Küchemann, Stefan; Veerappampalayam Easwaramoorthy, Sathishkumar (2024): A refined approach for evaluating small datasets via binary classification using machine learning. PLOS ONE, 19 (5): e0301276. ISSN 1932-6203

Augenklinik und Poliklinik

Hillenmayer, Anna; Wertheimer, Christian M.; Geerlof, Arie; Eibl, Kirsten H.; Priglinger, Siegfried; Priglinger, Claudia; Ohlmann, Andreas (2022): Galectin-1 and -3 in high amounts inhibit angiogenic properties of human retinal microvascular endothelial cells in vitro. PLOS ONE, 17 (3). e0265805. ISSN 1932-6203

Department Biologie II

Starck, J. Matthias; Schrenk, Fabian; Schröder, Sophia; Pees, Michael; Schubert, Michael (2022): Malformations of the sacculus and the semicircular canals in spider morph pythons. PLOS ONE, 17 (8): e0262788. ISSN 1932-6203

Department Psychologie

Claus, Nathalie ORCID: 0000-0002-4081-4952; Takano, Keisuke ORCID: 0000-0003-0406-8654; Wittekind, Charlotte E. ORCID: 0000-0002-5841-0067 (2023): The interplay between cognitive biases, attention control, and social anxiety symptoms: A network and cluster approach. PLOS ONE, 18 (4): e0282259. ISSN 1932-6203

Klinik für Wiederkäuer mit Ambulanz und Bestandsbetreuung

Abele, Greta E.; Zablotski, Yury; Feist, Melanie; Jensen, K. Charlotte; Stock, Annegret; Campe, Amely; Merle, Roswitha; Oehm, Andreas W. (2022): Prevalence of and factors associated with swellings of the ribs in tie stall housed dairy cows in Germany. PLOS ONE, 17 (7): e0269726. ISSN 1932-6203

Oehm, Andreas W.; Merle, Roswitha; Tautenhahn, Annegret; Jensen, K. Charlotte; Mueller, Kerstin-Elisabeth; Feist, Melanie; Zablotski, Yury; Abuelo, Angel (2022): Identifying cow – level factors and farm characteristics associated with locomotion scores in dairy cows using cumulative link mixed models. PLOS ONE, 17 (1): e0263294. ISSN 1932-6203

Oehm, Andreas W.; Springer, Andrea; Jordan, Daniela; Strube, Christina; Knubben-Schweizer, Gabriela; Jensen, Katharina Charlotte; Zablotski, Yury; Smith, Rebecca Lee (2022): A machine learning approach using partitioning around medoids clustering and random forest classification to model groups of farms in regard to production parameters and bulk tank milk antibody status of two major internal parasites in dairy cows. PLOS ONE, 17 (7): e0271413. ISSN 1932-6203

Klinik und Poliklinik für Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde

Köberlein, Marie; Hermann, Laila; Gantner, Sophia; Tur, Bogac; Peters, Gregor; Westphalen, Caroline; Benthaus, Tobias; Döllinger, Michael; Kniesburges, Stefan; Echternach, Matthias (2022): Impulse dispersion of aerosols during playing the recorder and evaluation of safety measures. PLOS ONE, 17 (9): e0266991. ISSN 1932-6203

Klinikum der LMU München

Wachtel, Nikolaus; Englbrecht, Marc A.; Micheler, Carina; Lang, Jan J.; Burgkart, Rainer; Giunta, Riccardo E.; Wilhelm, Christina J. (2023): The minimum required overlap length for tendon transfer A biomechanical study on human tendons. PLOS ONE, 18 (8): e0289650. ISSN 1932-6203

MUM - Muskuloskelettales Universitätszentrum München

Gerken, Mechthild; Saller, Maximilian Michael ORCID: 0000-0001-8774-7892; Ockert, Ben; Böcker, Wolfgang; Volkmer, Elias ORCID: 0000-0001-6888-5341 (2023): Detailed analysis of surgically treated hand trauma patients in a regional German trauma centre. PLOS ONE, 18 (3): e0283388. ISSN 1932-6203

Medizinische Kleintierklinik

Gareis, Hannah; Hörner-Schmid, Lina; Zablotski, Yury; Palic, Jelena; Schulz, Bianka (2022): Evaluation of barometric whole-body plethysmography for therapy monitoring in cats with feline lower airway disease. PLOS ONE, 17 (10). ISSN 1932-6203

Methoden für fehlende Daten, Modellselektion und Modellmittelung

Pal, Samyajoy; Heumann, Christian ORCID: 0000-0002-4718-595X (2022): Clustering compositional data using Dirichlet mixture model. PLOS ONE, 17 (5): e0268438. ISSN 1932-6203

Neurologische Klinik und Poliklinik mit Friedrich-Baur-Institut

Eggert, Thomas ORCID: 0000-0003-1026-861X; Nguyen, Phuong Van; Ernst, Katharina; Loosli, Sandra V.; Straube, Andreas (2022): A new test to detect impairments of sequential visuospatial memory due to lesions of the temporal lobe. PLOS ONE. ISSN 1932-6203

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