Sabbagh, Hisham; Haas, Ellen; Baumert, Uwe; Seidel, Corinna Lesley; Hötzel, Linus; Wichelhaus, Andrea (2024): Biomechanical Simulation of Orthodontic En-Bloc Retraction Comparing Compound Technique and Sliding Mechanics Using a HOSEA Robotic Device. Bioengineering, 11 (2): 153. ISSN 2306-5354
Sabbagh, Hisham; Janjic Rankovic, Mila; Martin, Daniel; Mertmann, Matthias; Hötzel, Linus; Wichelhaus, Andrea (2024): Load Deflection Characteristics of Orthodontic Gummetal® Wires in Comparison with Nickel–Titanium Wires: An In Vitro Study. Materials, 17 (2): 533. ISSN 1996-1944
Nile, Mustafa; Folwaczny, Matthias; Wichelhaus, Andrea; Baumert, Uwe; Janjic Rankovic, Mila (2023): Fluid flow shear stress and tissue remodeling—an orthodontic perspective: evidence synthesis and differential gene expression network analysis. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 11: 1256825. ISSN 2296-4185
Popova, Teodora; Stocker, Thomas; Khazaei, Yeganeh; Malenova, Yoana; Wichelhaus, Andrea; Sabbagh, Hisham (2023): Influence of growth structures and fixed appliances on automated cephalometric landmark recognition with a customized convolutional neural network. BMC Oral Health, 23 (1). ISSN 1472-6831
Sabbagh, Hisham; Nikolova, Trayana; Kakoschke, Sara Carina; Wichelhaus, Andrea; Kakoschke, Tamara Katharina (2022): Functional Orthodontic Treatment of Mandibular Condyle Fractures in Children and Adolescent Patients: An MRI Follow-Up. Life, 12 (10): 1596. ISSN 2075-1729
Wichelhaus, Andrea ORCID: 0000-0001-8489-167X; Eichenberg, Tena; Gruber, Philip; Bamidis, Elias Panos; Stocker, Thomas
ORCID: 0000-0003-1162-2502
Friction Force Adjustment by an Innovative Covering System
Applied with Superelastic NiTi Brackets and Wires—An
In-Vitro Study.
Materials, 15 (12).
pp. 1-10.
ISSN 1996-1944
Sabbagh, Hisham; Heger, Sebastian Marcus; Stocker, Thomas; Baumert, Uwe; Wichelhaus, Andrea; Hoffmann, Lea (2022): Accuracy of 3D Tooth Movements in the Fabrication of Manual Setup Models for Aligner Therapy. Materials, 15 (11): 3853. ISSN 1996-1944
Sabbagh, Hisham; Khazaei, Yeganeh; Baumert, Uwe; Hoffmann, Lea; Wichelhaus, Andrea; Janjic Rankovic, Mila (2022): Bracket Transfer Accuracy with the Indirect Bonding Technique—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11 (9): 2568. ISSN 2077-0383