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Anzahl der Artikel: 9.


Ahmed, Mohamed I.M.; Einhauser, Sebastian; Peiter, Clemens; Senninger, Antonia; Baranov, Olga; Eser, Tabea M.; Huth, Manuel; Olbrich, Laura; Castelletti, Noemi; Rubio-Acero, Raquel; Carnell, George; Heeney, Jonathan; Kroidl, Inge; Held, Kathrin; Wieser, Andreas; Janke, Christian; Hoelscher, Michael; Hasenauer, Jan; Wagner, Ralf; Geldmacher, Christof (2024): Evolution of protective SARS-CoV-2-specific B and T cell responses upon vaccination and Omicron breakthrough infection. iScience, 27 (6). p. 110138. ISSN 25890042

Albanese, Manuel; Chen, Hong-Ru; Gapp, Madeleine; Muenchhoff, Maximilian; Yang, Hsiu-Hui; Peterhoff, David; Hoffmann, Katja; Xiao, Qianhao; Ruhle, Adrian; Ambiel, Ina; Schneider, Stephanie; Mejías-Pérez, Ernesto; Stern, Marcel; Wratil, Paul R.; Hofmann, Katharina; Amann, Laura; Jocham, Linda; Fuchs, Thimo; Ulivi, Alessandro F.; Besson-Girard, Simon; Weidlich, Simon; Schneider, Jochen; Spinner, Christoph D.; Sutter, Kathrin; Dittmer, Ulf; Humpe, Andreas; Baumeister, Philipp; Wieser, Andreas; Rothenfusser, Simon; Bogner, Johannes; Roider, Julia; Knolle, Percy; Hengel, Hartmut; Wagner, Ralf; Laketa, Vibor; Fackler, Oliver T.; Keppler, Oliver T. (2024): Receptor transfer between immune cells by autoantibody-enhanced, CD32-driven trogocytosis is hijacked by HIV-1 to infect resting CD4 T cells. Cell Reports Medicine, 5 (4): 101483. ISSN 26663791


Douthwaite, Christopher; Tietje, Christoph; Ye, XiaoQian; Liebscher, Sabine (2024): Probing cerebellar circuit dysfunction in rodent models of spinocerebellar ataxia by means of in vivo two-photon calcium imaging. STAR Protocols, 5 (1): 102911. ISSN 26661667


Han, Bing; Choukér, Alexander; Moser, Dominique (2024): Differential effects of acute and chronic hydrocortisone treatment on pyroptosis. Heliyon, 10 (10): e31156. ISSN 24058440


Klinger, Christen M.; Jimenez-Ruiz, Elena; Mourier, Tobias; Klingl, Andreas; Lemgruber, Leandro; Pain, Arnab; Dacks, Joel B.; Meissner, Markus (2024): Evolutionary analysis identifies a Golgi pathway and correlates lineage-specific factors with endomembrane organelle emergence in apicomplexans. Cell Reports, 43 (2): 113740. ISSN 22111247


Nimpf, Simon; Kaplan, Harris S.; Nordmann, Gregory C.; Cushion, Thomas; Keays, David A. (2024): Long-term, high-resolution in vivo calcium imaging in pigeons. Cell Reports Methods, 4 (2): 100711. ISSN 26672375


Popović, Lukša; Rossner, Moritz J.; Wehr, Michael C. (2024): Protocol for identifying properties of ERBB receptor antagonists using the barcoded ERBBprofiler assay. STAR Protocols, 5 (2): 102987. ISSN 26661667

Popović, Lukša; Wintgens, Jan P.; Wu, Yuxin; Brankatschk, Ben; Menninger, Sascha; Degenhart, Carsten; Jensen, Niels; Wichert, Sven P.; Klebl, Bert; Rossner, Moritz J.; Wehr, Michael C. (2024): Profiling of ERBB receptors and downstream pathways reveals selectivity and hidden properties of ERBB4 antagonists. iScience, 27 (2): 108839. ISSN 25890042


Tomasiunaite, Urte; Kielkowski, Pavel; Krafczyk, Ralph; Forné, Ignasi; Imhof, Axel; Jung, Kirsten (2024): Decrypting the functional design of unmodified translation elongation factor P. Cell Reports, 43 (5): 114063. ISSN 22111247

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