Schiele, Tina; Mues, Anna; Wirth, Astrid; Christner, Natalie; Paulus, Markus; Birtwistle, Efsun; Niklas, Frank (2024): Bridging the gap: A longitudinal study on the relation between preschool children’s moral self-concept, normative stances, and sharing behavior. Social and Emotional Learning: Research, Practice, and Policy, 3: 100027. ISSN 27732339
Misch, Antonia ORCID: 0000-0001-9184-5006; Dunham, Yarrow; Paulus, Markus
The developmental trajectories of racial and gender intergroup bias in 5- to 10-year-old children: The impact of general psychological tendencies, contextual factors, and individual propensities.
Acta Psychologica, 229 (103709).
ISSN 00016918