Ruscheweyh, Ruth; Gossrau, Gudrun; Dresler, Thomas; Freilinger, Tobias; Förderreuther, Stefanie; Gaul, Charly; Kraya, Torsten; Neeb, Lars; Ruschil, Victoria; Straube, Andreas; Scheidt, Jörg; Jürgens, Tim Patrick (2023): Triptan non-response in specialized headache care: cross-sectional data from the DMKG Headache Registry. The Journal of Headache and Pain, 24 (1). ISSN 1129-2377
Dimitriadis, Konstantinos ORCID: 0000-0003-0417-2267; Meis, Jan; Neugebauer, Hermann; Barlinn, Kristian; Neumann, Bernhard; Gahn, Georg; Lochner, Piergiorgio; Knier, Benjamin; Lindemann, Sarah; Sühs, Kurt Wolfram; Szabo, Kristina; Pfefferkorn, Thomas; Schirotzek, Ingo; Freilinger, Tobias; Burc, Bassa; Günther, Albrecht; Wittstock, Matthias; Schramm, Patrick; Reimann, Gernot; Godau, Jana; Nagy, Gabor; Koenig, Fatima B.; Essig, Fabian; Klinker, Hartwig; Hartmann, Christian; Schmidbauer, Moritz L.; Steinberg, Tim; Lefterova, Lora; Klose, Christina; Bösel, Julian
Neurologic manifestations of COVID-19 in critically ill patients: results of the prospective multicenter registry PANDEMIC.
Critical Care, 26: 217.
ISSN 1364-8535